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Nuclear Security Summit and building pressure on Pakistan

US President Barack Hussain Obama convened a Summit on Nuclear Security in Washington on 12-13 April, 2010 in which heads of states of 47 countries were invited to attend. As was evident from the very topic of this Summit, the focus was how to counter the challenges posed by the nuclear weapons. In this regard the main focus of concern was that terrorist organizations are trying to get success to these nuclear weapons. So, it was discussed how to prevent terrorists from getting access to these weapons. Article after article from across the globe and think tanks around the world are expressing the opinion that if this Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC is about securing nuclear weapons so as to ensure that they do not find their way into the hands of non-state actors, then why Pakistan isn’t being hauled up.

A report by Harvard University’s Belfer Centre for Science and International Affairs, titled Securing the Bomb, said Pakistan’s stockpile “faces a greater threat from Islamic extremists seeking nuclear weapons than any other nuclear stockpile on earth”. The report also said that “despite extensive security measures, there is a very real possibility that sympathetic insiders might carry out or assist in a nuclear theft, or that a sophisticated outsider attack (possibly with insider help) could overwhelm the defenses.” The Institute for Science and International Security has reported that Pakistan’s second nuclear reactor, producing weapons-grade plutonium, shows signs of starting operations, and a third is under construction. Questions are being raised whether these sites are safe and free from pilferage.

Pakistan has over 75 nuclear weapons by current estimates and is a tinderbox of terrorist groups. India has been expressing concern from the day one on the security of these weapons. The issue of the security of Pakistani nuclear arsenal became a hot topic when last year in November, the New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh reported that the US administration is so concerned about the security of Pakistan’s arsenal, that they have written up emergency plans to invade Pakistan and seize the nuclear material. But, despite these concerns all over the world Pakistani has not taken this matter seriously yet. Contrary to this Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani said in Washington, “Islamabad has taken effective steps for nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation through extensive legislative, regulatory and administrative framework.”

The reason for the concern of India on the safety and security of Pakistani nuclear weapons is because of the fact that Pakistan is its immediate neighbor and Pakistani terrorists have often been involved in terrorist activities against India. So, if they succeed in getting access to these nuclear weapons, they could create havoc in India. It is encouraging that Obama has assured Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that he will inform Pakistan about the concerns of India and persuade Pakistani leadership to assure the security of nuclear weapons. But the war exercise by 50,000 army of Pakistan tells a different story. Terrorists like Hafiz Saeed and Ilyas Kashmiri are also giving threats that Pakistan could wage a war against India if water dispute is not resolved. In this context it is very important for India that it always keep an eye on the activities of Pakistan and convince international community to pressurize Pakistan to show its sincerity about the security of its nuclear weapons. So, in the time to come more pressure will build on Pakistan.

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One comment

  1. رابعہ ریحٰن

    The meeting convened by Mr. Obama to counter the challenges posed by the nuclear weapons comes at a very apt juncture when half of the world is troubled by terrorism and the way it is becoming more and more high-tec. Pakistan and its high- tech terrorism came t in light in 2008, when Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, confessed his involvement with Iran and North Korea.
    Though New Yorker’s Seymour Hers report highlights Pakistan’s vulnerability to the Islamic fundamentalists then also why America is still not taking some appropriate actions to curb Pakistan and its increasing nuclear arsenal? As far as Pakistan and its understanding of the vulnerability of its nuclear arsenal is concerned it is well known to the world.

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