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Pakistan : Behind suicide attacks

Pakistan has lost all its peace. People are suffering. Even after using drone missiles, US is not satisfied.US considers Pakistan more hazardous than Afghanistan. It has proposed India-Israel to go hand in hand in tackling the issue. But the proposal is not problematic only for India but Pakistan also. If America compels India to act, it will not bear any fruit as the people and most of the political parties in India are against any help to Pakistan.

Internal condition of Pakistan is worsening every minute. Police station attacked in Manawan, suicide attack in Islamabad and attack on a mosque in Chakwal is to name a few. Earlier these attacks were told to be a conspiracy of the neighboring countries. Now the Taliban is willingly taking responsibilities and one step further, they are adamant that they will continue to do so unless US attack on the tribal areas is ceased. But the govt. is desperate to voice against USA. In the disguise of teaching US a lesson, Taliban are killing and getting their own people killed.

Zardari is playing tricks. He accepts that Pak-borne terrorism is a danger for the globe. Earlier he became friends with Sufi Mohammad in Swat and Malakand. Now he is under immense pressure. As a result he got the Shria Law Bill passed in the Assembly as he was warned that if anything awkward happens the responsibility will be with govt. and not the Taliban.

America is against this agreement. External Affairs spokesperson Robert Gibbs said that security can not be provided in the name of encroachment of human rights. Afghani spokesperson said that due to the Judicial System Regulation, Afghanistan’s security is under threat. According to the reports, US may increase the frequency of drone attacks which may restrain Pak-US relations.

The stiff behavior of US is causing tension for Pakistan. Zardari is trying to find some other way out. Pak is asking US for spy missiles and aircrafts to handle the problems on its own. In an interview to a British newspaper, he said that Pak will not allow anybody to act against its territories. He added that global support will act as a boon. Against all expectation, global financial crisis has slowdown their war against terrorism.

Nawaz Sharif is left with no issues. For the sake of his political life, he is crying hoarse. During a meeting in Raiwund with six member team of the US Congress, he said that America should immediately stop drone attacks. He himself wants the conditions to remain worse, so that he can do some politics. He said that Pakistan is the worst sufferer and has paid enough. Only economic betterment and education can be the solution.

America is hell bent on tough action. Bruce Rydal, Barak Obama’s advisor for Middle-East and South-Asia affairs, said that Taliban’s strength in Punjab is not a good sign. They want to make Pakistan a failed state. To pressurize Taliban, US is working in collaboration with Pak. He added that not all the fighters are extremists. Some of them are after money and by changing their orientation, the situation can be handled. He was especially concerned with the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear state and if it falls in the hands of Taliban, the very existence of the human race will be under threat. To counter them, Pakistani army should be well trained.

But the underlying fact is that, in the name of help, US wants to destroy and enslave Pakistan. But who is responsible for providing US with this golden opportunity? If Pakistan had settled the score in the earlier stages, it would not have become that much troublesome. Even then, the political parties are not supporting the govt. in countering this menace. The real sufferers are the innocent people. They are in a dilemma. They do not know that which problem is more grave, as every bloody problem is related directly to their life and existence.

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