From the sources of news agency
The World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB)have termed Pakistan as one of the most “water stressed” countries in
the world, which is likely to face an acute water shortage over the next five years due to lack of water availability for irrigation,industry and human consumption.
Water supply in Pakistan fell from 5,000 cubic metres per capita to 1,000 cubic metres in 2010, and is likely to further reduce to 800 cubic metres per capita by 2020, WB’s reports stated. According to Falkenmark Water Stress Indicator, a country or region is said to experience “water stress” when annual water supplies drop below 1,700 cubic metres per person per year. When water supplies drop below 1,000 cubic metres per person per year, the country faces “water scarcity”.Being wary of the exigent situation, experts have stressed for inculcating a sense of civic responsibility among the masses to sensibly utilise water as the country has been declared one of the most water-stressed countries in the world. Importance of water – a lifeline for the existence of every specie on earth – is yet to be taken seriously in the country given the unscrupulous use of the water everywhere. In Pakistan, water is excessively wasted at houses,offices, markets, and factories. Fresh and drinking water is used for washing, gardening and other non-drinkable purposes. Besides wastage,burgeoning population, climate change, lack of water reservoirs, and manipulation of Jhelum and Chenab rivers by India are other key factors squeezing water availability in the country.
In Islamabad alone, upto 30 million gallons of water are wasted daily owing to shabby pipelines. This quantity is equivalent to the water stored in Simly Dam.“We have prepared a PC-1 of Rs 11 billion that is lying with the
Planning Commission for approval as the Cabinet Division has already given a go-ahead to replace and rehabilitate the outdated water supply network to save 30 million gallons water that goes to waste every day,” said a senior CDA official. CDA cannot wait for long as the situation is deteriorating by the day and it worsens in the summer
when water needs increase manifold and civic body has to bank upon water tankers for water supply to residents.
As per original master plan, the authority was supposed to upgrade water supply network every decade but it failed to do so that has created a crisis-like situation as the population of the federal capital has crossed the figure of one million. The official said that under the plan, old and rusty pipelines, laid down four decades ago,would be replaced with the help trenchless technology that is quite
popular in many developed countries. Under the plan, a metre system would also be introduced to counter non-judicious use of water. The authority would then be able to supply water round the clock. According to the official, as long-term step, the authority is also in contact with the federal government to seek provincial consent for conduction of 200 MGD water from Tarbella for twin cities.
A 49-kilometres long water pipeline would be laid down from Ghazi Barotha canal to Shah Allah Ditta in the federal capital under the Public Sector Development Project (PSDP). Pakistan’s water woes are also compounded by silting at the Tarbela and Mangla dams, with an internal official assessment admitting that it has lost 32 percent of
its storage capacity due to the problem. The country has a large surplus of unused water. Its documents show about 30 MAF as “available surplus” with a very high escapade to the sea.