International community and Human Rights organizations always raise questions related to the security of minorities in Pakistan and always it is said that minorities in Pakistan are not safe. This is due to the negligence of the government that Taliban are much more powerful in the areas where Sikh community lives. Taliban always try to harass them so that they leave the country and go to any other place. Hindus are also facing the same problem. They do not have access to the facilities provided to a citizen and are forced to live a life like a citizen of secondary level. These are the things for which Pakistan is unpopular in the whole world.
There is a latest news that three Sikhs were first kidnapped by Taliban extremists in North West Frontier Province (NFWP) and Orakzai and Khyber agencies of Pakistan and then later on they were beheaded. This incident is very unfortunate. These three Sikhs were kidnapped by the extremists to get Jizya (religious tax) from their family members in return but when the family members failed to pay Jizya Taliban extremists killed all of them. This is very inhuman incident and is un-Islamic act also. It may be recalled that last year also Sikhs were asked to pay Jizya. But after a condemnation for all corners only Pakistani government awakened. The biggest question is that in Pakistan there is a parallel government of the extremists along with the democratic government of the country and the present government is unable to take any action against them.
This act of Taliban should be condemned strongly. Pakistan is under international pressure due to such activities of Taliban. Government must take notice of it and should strict action against those who were involved in this inhuman act.
the entire wold worried over the activities of Taliban in Pakistan. we have to ask about pakistani political leadership in that country to unite and ensure that the extremists do not achieve their objectives.
Pakistan is reaping what it has sown in last five decades. The terrorist outfits to which Pakistan was a hub in the starting are now have become a threat to Pakistan itself.
But it is common man who is paying for the sins of those culprits who helped these terrorist outfits flourish. Therefore it is imperative for Pakistan that now it must refrain from such hideous plan if it wants its onw existence intact.