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Pakistan in trouble

Pakistan is facing another assault of terrorism. Even Vana was not pacified, Baluchistan became a terrorist hub. America had prior information about terrorist activities in Chaman, the Pak-Afghanistan bordering area. It has become possible as it is a mountainous terrain. Although it is guarded heavily, these activities are prevalent there. This time, when Pakistani president General Pervez Musharraf visited USA, he was warned. America provided Pakistan with new and sophisticated technologies to counter this menace. During a function in Peshawar, US Ambassador handed over 68 Spottingscopes and 74 Global Positioning System to Major General Tariq Masood. Although the capital of Baluchistan, Quetta, and other major cities are continuously facing terrorist and destructive activities, an unsuccessful act of mysterious dacoity took place, which indicates the presence of Chechan fighters.

The presence of Chechan fighters and Al-Quaida members was revealed when four people with the intention of dacoity entered Mini Exchange Market, Qandhari Bazar, Quetta. Their mission failed and one Abdul Ghaffar was caught. He revealed astonishing facts. He told that 900 fully funded foreigners are there in Vana itself. Later, on his hint, the police and military raided a house in Paind Khan, Quetta. In the encounter one terrorist was killed and two SPs and one DSP of police including other eleven were injured. After Vana operation, Major Shaukat Sultan suspected that the terrorists might have escaped somewhere. Now, with the presence of these 900 terrorists in Baluchistan, his words have been proved and therefore Pakistan is facing a massive pressure from the US.

Due to the prevailing conditions, it is believed that after the Vana operation, it is the turn of Baluchistan. But after this revelation, the terrorists are ready for a head on fight. During all these, high power transmission of electricity was targeted. Remote controlled cycle bomb was exploded in Khizdar which killed one and injured 22 others. Their original target was the frontier officers who luckily escaped unhurt. Even before this, the terrorists attacked military officer’s vehicle from Khizdar regiment, killing 5 officers. There are a number of reasons for these acts of terrorism in Baluchistan. The ignorance of the government has compelled the residents in anti govt. activities. The refugees from Afghanistan are also in ease there.

The Pak govt. is trying hard to eradicate the anxiety through political solutions. A parliamentary committee which comprises of govt. members, opposition and nation loving parliamentarians, have been formed. Two sub-committees, namely, The Constitutional Committee, under the leadership of Wasim Sajjad and the Political Affairs Committee, under the leadership of Mushahid Hussain Syed have been formed. Regarding all these, a number of conferences have been organised.

Mushahid Hussian presented his special report in the National Security Council conference held on 25 Nov. and asserted that the issue is not much complicated and there is a need to solve some problems of the Baluchs. Addressing the conference, President Musharraf announced a hefty amount of 20 arabs and 30 crores for the welfare of Baluchistan. Baluchistan mega project will bring economic prosperity to the region. Although Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz have shown keen interest in the Baluchistan issue, no fruitful results have been received.

The much delayed welfare activities of the govt. for Baluchistan may not bear any results as the voices of state sovereignty is much louder and vivid and can not be suppressed. There is a constitutional problem also. It may require amendment in the constitution itself. On the other hand, under the pressure of the US, if operations against foreign terrorists are carried out, it will be harmful. In that condition, how this menace is going to be tackled on public sphere, only time will decide?

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One comment

  1. فردوس خاتون

    Pakistan is habitual for this kind of tragedy.
    People are also thinking now that they have no choice except facing this kind of problem that’s why they are migrating here and there.
    they are not help less but they think that they are help less.
    basically they have no strong voice so thy are suffering.

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